Renewing Rural Generations, Jobs and Farms – RURALIZATION H2020
The economic, social and territorial cohesion of the EU is threatened by the unequal development of urban and rural areas. Population is expected to grow by 12% in urban areas between 2014 and 2020 while a decline of 7% is expected in rural regions. Significant differences are also registered in per capita GDP. All in all, rural areas are faced with specific constraints related with depopulation, less development opportunities and the transition from primary sector focused areas.
The RURALIZATION project, funded by the European Commission under H2020 programme, aims to develop knowledge and support policy making in answering some of the challenges referred to above and more specifically to facilitate rural newcomers and new entrants to farming. In particular the project will improve understanding of rural regeneration, including the issue of access to land, define innovative instruments and strategies to facilitate generational renewal in agriculture and rural development and support policy making to make rural dreams for new rural generations true.
The project consists of participants from 12 European countries represented by 18 organizations, including universities, research institutes, SMEs and other practitioners. This multi-disciplinary consortium will put in place research and innovation activities ensuring the involvement of farmers, young people and rural entrepreneurs, following a multi-actor approach.
Anne Kinsella is the Teagasc Principal investigator participating in this project. One of her many tasks is leading Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) analysis.
Commenting on the project Anne Kinsella said: “RURALIZATION aims to contribute to the development of rural areas that provide exciting opportunities to new rural generations. It is about realising the potential of rural areas. One of project objectives is to better understand the issues of rural regeneration and to define specific circumstances and drivers that make some rural areas perform better than other rural areas, in matters of rural regeneration, attracting rural newcomers, new entrants into farming and access to land.”
RURALIZATION will last for 48 months starting from May 1st this year. Representatives from the project partners and from the Stakeholders Advisory Board convened to Barcelona recently for the kick-off meeting to discuss project plans further, project activities and distribute responsibilities. The kick-off meeting was enriched by the participation of the European Commission services (DG AGRI) and the Research Executive Agency, as well as from the contribution of some of the members of the Advisory Board.